1.Have a firm handshake:
Your handshake should reflect your confidence. The handshake should be firm and only firm. Do not crush his/her hand! A weak shake shows either lack of confidence or lack of interest. The handshake is often a litmus test right at the beginning that helps the employer to decide if you are fit for work or not. If you sweat a lot, Do not forget to carry a handkerchief and wipe your hands before entering the room.
2.Maintain eye contact:
While talking to the interviewer look straight in to his eyes, it shows that you are confident and is true about whatever you are talking about. Do not look here and there while answering to his questions. Eye contact establishes rapport and conveys mutual understanding and attention.
3.Do not touch your face
Most of us have a habit of touching our own face a number of times, while talking to others. It has been found that an average person touches his/her face between 2000 to 3000 times. Infact, you would have touched your face a couple of times while reading this article. Almost all of us have the habit of touching our nose, our lips, and our forehead, but this gives a signal that we are either nervous or we are not being honest. Now that you know it is difficult to control this sub-consciously, you have to avoid touching your face during the interview.
4.Do not shake your leg
Shaking one's leg is another most common thing that is difficult to control. Even though it might be just a habit, but the message it conveys to the interviewer is that you are nervous. And this isn't something which an interviewer would look for in his future colleague.
5.Don't sit up too straight
Sit up straight, and lean slightly forward in your chair. In addition to projecting interest and engagement in the interaction, aligning your body's position to that of the interviewer's shows admiration and agreement. But do not sit up too straight that it looks awkward and makes others uncomfortable around you.
6.Limit your Hand movements
People generally use their hands to express enthusiasm or convey what they are thinking effectively. It does help in elaborating things.But be careful, overdoing it can irritate someone, expecially when he is noticing your hands. Try to keep you hands in the "Truth Plane" i.e. the area infront of your belly, a visual expression that communicates the right mix of composed, competent resolve and level-headed credibility.
7.Maintain Interest
When you sit down to talk, don’t slouch or lean back – both imply disinterest. Sit straight up and lean slightly towards your interviewer, suggesting respect and attentiveness. Be sure to nod occasionally, smile and leave your hands casually in your lap or resting on the arms of the chair. You an also try paying attention to your interviewer’s body language to make sure you are both on the same page.
8.Don’t be distracting
By playing with your hair, rubbing or scratching your skin, you may come off as nervous and untrustworthy. Likewise, don’t cross your arms or lean towards the exit – your interviewer might find you standoffish, distant, or disengaged. Keep the focus on the interviewer and what they are saying – people are naturally flattered by attention.
9.Remember to relax
Breathe, you’re almost there. Imagine yourself at once alert and at ease. Smile. You look great. Answer a couple more questions and ask a few of your own. Stress shows in your face and throughout your entire body. It’s very difficult to feign relaxation – you actually have to be relaxed. To do this, make sure you practice relaxation techniques regularly.
10.End Strong
Wrapping up? Stand up, smile, and shake hands after the interview is over. Be respectful and thank the other person for their time. Exchange the necessary pleasantries and leave slowly, chin up. There is a reason for expressions like “chin up” – our expressions and posture really do indicate important things. Whether you get the job or not, at least you went in to the interview with style and grace, and communicated your intentions with confidence and professionalism. With a bit of luck, your body language will have been the icing on the cake. Your interviewer will remember you as a confident, assertive, friendly, and honest applicant – all the important things that get you the job.
A smiling face portrays exuberance and eagerness and it is a good way to impress your interviewers and the panel members of the group discussion. A smiling and happy demeanor shows that you are really happy to be where you are. But, don’t go overboard with it as an artificial or oversized smile can have the wrong effect. An experienced interviewer will immediately know if you are acting or forcing the smile in a certain way. It is good to smile sometimes when you actually mean it during the interview and group discussion rather than grinning constantly without any reason.
12.Be Careful Of Personal Space
Individual cultures and faiths in the different candidates who come for admission to the MBA program tend to make them different in all aspects including an appropriate personal space. Some people may feel comfortable speaking only inches from the other person while others may need a decent space. When sitting in a group discussion, you must ensure that you respect the personal space that the candidate sitting beside you. Similarly, when in front of your interviewer, be careful of how far or close you sit.
13.Be Expressive and Open
Your physical gestures must be expressive and open. You must try to engage your interviewer by gesturing positively such as keeping your palms straight and open which demonstrates honesty. You should never bang your hand on the table and always avoid pointing fingers to make a point during the group discussion and personal interview. These negative physical gestures would not go well with your interviewing panel and should be strictly avoided.
14.Demonstrate Inquisitiveness
Maintaining an eye contact and nodding your head are the best ways to show your eagerness or interest in an interview as well as the group discussion. The panel will appreciate that you are actively engaged in the discussion and paying attention to what the others are saying. Lack of eye contact and other listening cues would suggest your disinterest in the interview and weaken your chances to succeed.
15.Looking Disinterested
Physical gestures such as rubbing the back of the head, touching the nose or hair would signal your disinterest in the interview.Therefore, these actions should be avoided in spite of the bouts of nervousness and stress that you might be experiencing before the interview. Try to sit straight confidently without leaning too forward or bending too backwards during both the group discussion and interview.
16.Signaling Nervousness
Some candidates may unknowingly grab their folder or bag too tightly or may constantly touch and wipe their face in front of the interviewer. Other gestures such as tapping the fingers, biting or licking the lips, frowning, adjusting hair or clothing again and again must also be avoided for a positive impression on the panel members. These gestures signal the candidate’s nervousness even though he may be trying hard to hide it. The interviewers are smarter and more experienced than you are, so, they can easily perceive gestures that portray anxiety or nervousness. So, try to remain calm and relaxed and do not make unnecessary movements. While being nervous is natural and many interviewers may not find it negative, it will still increase your inhibitions and degrade your performance.
17.Getting Too Relaxed
Lounging with your arms and legs dangling would suggest you are getting too relaxed for the group discussion and interview. Similarly, crossed feet and completely stretched out legs also demonstrate you are very relaxed for the group discussion and this may also be taken for over confidence on your part. Therefore, you should try to show some seriousness by listening attentively and speaking meaningfully without making any carefree gestures that undermine your intent and eagerness in the selection procedure.
In oral communication situations paralanguage plays an important role while speaking or listening. The speaker or listener makes use of sounds like ‘Hmm’ – ‘ha’, or clicks his tongue or chuckles. These sounds, though do not have a semantic value (meaning), are in fact important prompters in maintaining an unbroken communication chain. They are effective tools of listening. Empathetic listening (ability to imagine and share another person’s feelings, etc.) is characterised by the use of para-language. Our speech is affected by the volume of our voice, the speed of articulation and such sounds made by clicking of our tongue, chuckling, etc. We come across people whose voices quiver when excited. Some others raise the decibel level of their voice. These are people who shriek or shout when provoked. All these lead to an evaluation of the personality of the communicator.
19.Voice and Tone
It is possible to communicate an unpleasant information pleasantly or good news badly. When you tell someone, ‘you have done a great job’, it is your statement and the tone together show the receiver whether you are complimenting him or ridiculing him. A complimentary tone is distinctly different from a sarcastic tone.
In oral communication situations, the space between the speaker and the listener is important. Americans consider that a person who comes very close to him while speaking, say, less than two feet is invading into his privacy. Only in intimate and personal situations can people move closer than a foot and a half. To us, who are used to overcrowded public transport system, the American practice of maintaining space in the elevator will be rather surprising whereas to him our invasion of his personal space revolting.
In oral communication situations, silence plays an important role. People quite often talk about “eloquent silence”. Yes, silence can send communication signals. Silence in a particular situation may mean acceptance, agreement and in certain others indifference, apathy or even anger.
22.Listening – a Proactive Skill
In oral communication situations, listening plays an important role. Listening is different from hearing. One can hear all noises and sounds and yet could be a poor listener. Listening is hearing attentively and responding appropriately. Only a good listener can became a good speaker. Attentiveness begins with the posture a listener adopts while he is listening. If a person inclines towards the speaker, it means that the speaker is not clear either in the message or in his articulation. If the listener tilts his head backwards, it shows that he is indifferent. A Good listener is proactive. He is, as they usually say, “all ears”. He responds appropriately using paralanguage. He says, Hmm—yeah—yes—come on now and then. He asks questions and verifies facts. A listener’s role in an oral communication situation is as important as a speaker’s role. Listening in communication has several beneficial results. Good listening leads to getting useful and updated information. Good listening creates a better understanding and rapport between the speaker and listener. Good listening leads to better decisions. Good listening provides the best feed back to the speaker.
23.The first meeting
After you have announced yourself at the reception or to an employee of the company, you will often be asked to take a seat. After a while someone will come to lead you to the interview area. Do not jump up immediately and offer this person a handshake. It's better to let the other person takes the initiative. Shake hands firmly, but not too powerfully and look straight at the other person. After this you will be introduced to the (other) members of the application committee. During this introduction it is better to walk around the table to shake hands with the committee members, instead of leaning over the table. With each greeting look directly at the other person, and say your name. Except for an internal application, don't assume that the other people know your name.
24.Choosing the right seat
After the initial introduction you will usually be directed to take a seat. If you are left to choose a place yourself, choose a place from where you can clearly see all the interview participants, and from where they can also see you. If someone is sitting half behind you, and you can't really see him, he may not get such a good impression of you because of this.
25.Tune your body posture
During your job interview try to adopt a posture that shows interest but still comes across as being relaxed. You can do this by sitting up straight in your chair at the beginning of the interview, with your back against the back of the chair. If you slouch or hang sideways in your chair, it might give the impression that you are not that interested in the job. However, sitting on the edge of your chair can come across as being a little tense and might give the impression that you feel uncomfortable. You can change your body posture a little during the interview. For example, when someone says something it is good to turn a little with your shoulders towards this person and to lean forward a little. This shows an interest in what the other person is saying. You can emphasise this by tilting your head a little. It is also important to pay attention to the posture of your interview partners. In some cases you can achieve mutual tuning by adopting the same posture as the other person.
26.What to do with your hands?
Just the same as when you are giving a presentation, many people often regard their hands as obstacles during a job interview rather than a useful means of communication. That is why people often ask what to do with their hands. In a difficult situation we are often inclined to fold our arms across our body. This helps to give us a more secure feeling. During a job interview it is better not to do this, because folding your arms can be interpreted as a defensive move. It is better to let your hands lie loosely on your lap or place them on the armrests of your chair. From these positions it's also easy to support your words with hand gestures.
27.Movements: a dynamic interview?
Nodding your head while speaking is a good way of supporting your words or adding meaning to them. Hand movements can also help to liven up the interview. The fact that you dare to make movements with your hands during an interview might indicate that you feel at ease quickly. In most cases it is better not to make too many hand movements at the start of the interview but add them slowly throughout the interview. As regards this, pay attention to your interview partners as well: if they use their hands a lot to make things clear, you can definitely do this as well. When they don't make many movements, it is better if you don't either. Just the same as with body posture, it is important to tune your movements to those of the other person. Also pay attention to inadvertent movements that you may make sometimes due to nervousness. For example, shuffling with your feet or kicking against the leg of a table can be very irritating for other people. Drumming with your fingers or clicking with a pen also won't be a great contribution to the interview. So pay attention!
28.When should you look at whom?
During the job interview it is important to look at all the interview partners to an equal extent. By looking directly at the other person we are giving them a sign of trust. By looking directly at people we are also in control of the conversation. Looking directly at somebody or looking away actually serves as the dots and commas in our spoken sentences. When one of the committee members explains something or poses a question, keep looking at this person for as long as he or she is speaking. This shows that you're listening. While he is speaking he may also look at the other people, but every time he wants to emphasise something he will look at you again. You can then nod to encourage him to continue talking. At the end of his question, he will keep looking at you and then tilt his head up a little to invite you to give an answer. When you answer a question, you will look first at the person who posed the question, but while you answer you should take turns looking at the other interview partners as well. You should direct yourself again to the person who posed the question when you want to emphasise something and at the end of your answer.
29.Also pay attention to the body language of your interview partners
Apart from paying attention to your own body language, it is also important to see how your interview partners are behaving. The postures and movements of other people can give you an impression of how you are coming across to them. This can serve as a warning at an early stage that you might be doing something wrong that you are not being aware of. For example, when the committee members are of the opinion that you hold the floor for too long or you annoy them with your interruptions, they will show their irritation at first through their body language. When the committee members shake their heads, sigh or fold their arms and lean back, you can take this as a sign of displeasure. Usually it is not yet too late to change this. You see, it also applies to your interview partners that their body language takes place subconsciously. However, don't wait too long because then their irritation will transfer to their consciousness.
30.Do not worry too much about tension
Knowledge of body language can help you improve the mutual tuning during the interview. You can use this knowledge to hide your nervousness a little, but actually this is something you shouldn't worry about too much. Many applicants are nervous during an interview and of course they would much prefer not to let this nervousness show. However, it's not such a bad thing to be nervous. The committee members will understand this. Your nervousness may even show that you feel this job is important to you. If you weren't nervous, and therefore sit a little nonchalant, it might indicate that you are not that interested. Also realise that the job interview is more than just a means for the employer to determine which of the candidates is most suitable for the job. The job interview especially is a moment of mutual acquaintance. It's a first meeting with people that you might soon work together with. Therefore the boss should actually be just as nervous as you!
31.The head
As adults, we still have childish habits and one of them is to focus on the face of someone who is speaking to you. So get those expressions working for you and really exaggerate the meaning. Smile, frown, look angry, shocked, amazed – but please always be congruent with your message.
32.Eye Contact
Next we have eye contact. This is probably the one skill, when mastered, that does the most to engage the audience and build trust and rapport with the audience. The rule is to hardly ever let go. Imagine you’re playing tennis or squash. You never let your eye off the ball otherwise you’ll miss a shot. Like wise, keep your eye contact on the audience at all times. Careful with the lighthouse technique as well – this is where speakers sweep the audience in a repetitive swishing motion that does more to put people to sleep than engage. Instead have a conversation with your audience with your eyes. Randomly contact with each audience member and give them 2 to 3 seconds of eye contact and move onto the next person. Maintain this random movement. Find those in the audience who like just a little more eye contact and be aware of those who want slightly less. When faced with a large audience – more than 25 or so people, adopt a similar habit but don’t give each person eye contact. That’ll take ages. Instead clump people into small groups and give these clumps the same eye contact as if they were one person. Because of the distance between you and a large audience, this gives people the impression that you are looking at them.
Now let’s go to the other extreme of your body. Your feet and legs. Now what do you do with these limbs. Not a lot really unless you are moving around your stage, that’s movement with a purpose, not aimless wandering that only distracts the audience. Try to stand with both feet firmly on the ground pretty much the same distance apart as your shoulders. Keep them balanced so your body is not leaning to one side. Don’t look like a cat walk model or if you’re supping a pint at the bar of your local. Stand straight and look professional not a slouch. Nerves…that’s a word than conjures up fear and dread every time people stand up and speak in public. And sure enough you’ll have nerves. Professionals call it adrenaline and you need that to do a really good job. If you don’t have nerves or adrenaline, you might as well not bother because you can’t be bothered. Sop welcome nerves, call them adrenaline and make them work for you. Nerves will show in the periphery of your body. The ends such as feet, hands, head. Keeping your feet still transfers this energy to the top part of your body where it should go. You should stay rigid to the spot; that would be terrible for 20 minutes. Instead focus your attention on preventing aimless movement, pacing up and down, shifting from side to side.
34.The Body
Next we have the trunk. Not much you can do with the trunk apart from keeping it straight. Not like the sergeant Major on the parade ground but not slouched either. Relaxed and comfortable. The worse sin is to block the invisible mid line that runs from between your 2 feet and your head. Block it and you place a barrier with your audience. Just don’t block it – that’s the rule.
35.Hands and Arms
How many people I’ve spoken with who don’t know what to do with these very useful limbs. Shame really so they copy people on the TV especially weather girls. They grasp them together. It made me feel better and comfortable so much that as soon as I stood up to talk, my two hands came together. And when I got really nervous I used to rub them together too. So what do you do with them? Behind your backs but that just reminds me of Prince Charles. In your pockets I hear you say. No, you’re hiding something, keeping back from the audience and besides, you’re missing out on a great weapon. No the answer is to use them to back up your message by gesturing. We should gesture with audiences. Large dramatic gestures to help the audience understand what you’re saying. Broad gestures that welcome every person into your speech, building rapport. Think of your speech content and let your hands do the talking. Watch deaf people doing their sign language – it really is a very clever way of losing your gesture buttons. And when not gesturing, or talking, maybe standing still to take questions from your audience, assume the assertive stance. Standing straight with your arms and hands down your sides in a relaxed assertive and confident manner.
36.Body Movement
Finally, body movement. Movement can be an enormously effective way of engaging the audience into your message. Clean your stage – remove obstacles, tape wires to the floor, so you don’t trip over them, place the screen to the side. Once you have a clear space do move around with a purpose. I’ve used past, present and future by gradually moving along an imaginary line. The audience can see the time moving along as well as hear. I’ve used one side of the stage being advantages of an idea I’m promoting and the other side, the disadvantages. I’ve placed flipcharts at both sides of the room to mirror these place anchors. Move forward towards your audience when you want to make a really big point. Move backwards when you want them to reflect on something. Move to your left or right to change the subject or pace of your delivery. Do move around your stage but with a distinct purpose. The next time you’re observing and listening to a speaker, try and cut out the sound and focus entirely on the visual aspects. Try and interpret what he or she is saying just by the body language alone. You may not be right in your assumption of the meaning, but its the impression that everyone else is probably getting too. And first impressions last for ages.
37.GD Knowledge
Your ability to state convincing and possible solutions for the topic or case study will determine how good you are in applying what you have learned till now. The panel ranks the ability to use your knowledge in real life situations rather highly. Your ability to build a strong knowledge base is dependent on your understanding.
38.GD Listening Skills
You are in a GROUP discussion. You must participate as a group member. If you include the viewpoints of others in your viewpoint, then you will be seen more favorably by the Group Discussion panel.
39.GD Respect
DO NOT criticize or laugh at the viewpoint of another participant no matter how silly it may sound. Group Discussion participants are expected to be dignified and professional in their behavior. Always speak positively and supportively of other participants
40.GD Initiate
Break the ice, be the first one to start the discussion, if somebody else has started, relax. There are a lot of opportunities later.
41.GD Listen
Carefully. Communication is a lot about listening. Listen, Comprehend, Analyse. When you listen carefully, it allows you to contemplate and analyse which helps in speaking the right thing at the right time
42.GD Remember
Names, Facts, Figures, Quotations. It helps a lot if you know who has spoken what. If permitted, you can use a notepad to write.
43.GD Observe
Body language, how conversation shapes up, gets diverted. Then do the right thing at the right time.
44.GD Manage
People. At times there are people who create difficult situations. These are best opportunities to demonstrate assertive attitude.
45.GD Communicate
Be frank, clear, firm and jovial in your communication. Your voice should reach out but not irritate people.
46.GD Summarise
If you did not initiate the talk, this is the right time. If you have been listening carefully, your summary will be the best one.
47.Is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector good for India?
If government allows FDI into retail, we will face a lot of problems in Economic of our country. They will have to increase modern technology. Definitely it will affect our employment opportunity. They will try to replace the manpower and they will not consider the rural area development. My point of view, Our government should not allow FDI into retail market. Suppose They allows FDI, after 5 years, India will become poor country. So we should not allow culprits into our powerful country.
48.How to Deal with High Oil Prices?
Hii everybody, 1. I think one of the main problem in India for high oil prices is Traffic. Road are in very bad condition and not a single option present to stop that except few cities. 2. We have pool our cars and bike with our colleague. So this may help to reduce the consumption of oil. 3. Automobiles should be regularly check by pollution centers.
49.Multinational Corporations: Are they Devils in Disguise?
In my opinion yes it is truth that these so called multinational corpoations are devils in disguise though they never meant to be so. I will explain It how. There are many multinationals who expect the candidate to be ready to work for their organisation at a meagre salary. Considering the inflation rate it isn't good for the citizens of our country. They make profit but the employees who suffer like donkeys have no future. I heard recently that the new bill passed in Loksabha is stating that the workers in private organisations are not given any right to protest against the injustice happening to them. So no more strikes will occur in private sector. It would depend on their management whether the salary hike n some other facilities and privileges are to be given to employees or not. The workers have no right to make unions and then go on a strike for putting up a protest against their issues. Government needs to have some hold over these institutions. Their should be minimum wages fixed considering the inflation rate which is constantly going up. Such a hold is required for the purpose of employee welfare.
50.Are Indians Less Quality Conscious?
People who can afford branded product with high price get good quality product. There are village people those who even don't know which brand or which product is good for them. If we talk about urban areas then everyone prefers to go for axis or hdfc for their transactions because they are aware of their quality of services, and satisfaction they get from their employees provided they are of middle level or high level class people.
51.Ethics in Business are just a Passing Fad
If business wants to prosper then it has to follow certain ethics. Without ethics, suppose business is making false claims and selling there products, they might make profit for short run but the company will never flourish. I don want to elaborate but would like to cite a few examples. Let us take CAR companies like BUGATTI, LAMBORGHINI, FERRARI, PAGANI. They have there business ethics and they are still ruling, if they had think about profit then they could have produced tonnes of such cars. What they want is to produce quality. They follow ethics, they produce certain editions and we can see they are ruling and will keep on ruling.
52.Is the Consumer really the King in India?
I am totally agree with this point that the consumer is really a kind in India. We have the power to change the fortune of any company. Because of the consumer, Reliance is Reliance and Tata is Tata. Consumer play the significant role in companies growth as well the consumer is reason behind the failure of the company. That's why every company today is focusing so much in to analysis the consumer mind and their need. The success of the companies depend upon the loyalty of their consumers. At the time any company have a state of mind that they can produce any product and consumer will or they can think that they can cheat the consumer then the they are going to last stage of their business. Today consumers are aware of every company product and their brand and they become so sophisticated in their choices.
53.Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad?
Obviously it is one of good thing in India. Because even you have to pay more in clinics but kind of attention and treatment you get is much better than that of in government clinics. And cleanliness in environment is also an issue. Nurses as well as doctors in government clinics or hospitals are not much skilled or professional as in private hospitals. Staff in government hospitals do not treat their patients in good way which they are suppose to be but such thing does not happen in private hospitals or clinics. So obviously commercialization of health care is good.
54.Is there any Point in having a Business Strategy when the World changes from Month to Month?
YES this statement is correct. According to me business strategy is the base of any business. We all know that today the competition is very tough in the market for any business whether business is on local, national and international level. In this ever changing world if you don't have systematic strategy then you cannot stabilize your business over long time. And one more point to consider when we talk about the strategy, strategy is always according to changes in today not on previous techniques. I think growth of any business is directly proportional to the strategy.
55.Is the Patents Bill Good for India?
Patent law is really good for India. India is a Young country filled with talented people who really want to do something creative, innovate and turn the tables on the west. However one major hindrance in this field was the absence of a law protecting and recognizing the original work of the Indian inventors and innovators. So the Patent Bill can be termed as the need of the hour which will protect and recognize the Indian creators and this in turn will provide enthusiasm to the tired research sector and will give Indian innovators something to live and aim for.
56.Is the Business of Business only Business?
I do agree that the products produced should satisfy the customers and also they should be according to customers requirements. The organisers of the business also should be knowing about customers wants so as to get maximum profits. Also a business need not be only for business but also donate its percentage of profit to charity as many people and organisations do today. They can also play a vital role in changing situations in society.
57.Public Sector being a Guarantor of Job Security is a Myth
Public sector is indeed a job security for the Indian people. The so called sarkari seva will always attract the junta because of money and less work involved in it. People tend to misunderstand the whole motive of public sector and think it as an ordinary job. But the case is different here. The prime motive of public sector is to make India self sufficient in all front and the employees are expected to be people of highest character in the service of the nation. But now a days corruption in services has made this sector a money minting machine. Job security is indeed there in public sector in dealing with strategic areas.
58.Capitalism is a very Flawed System but the others are so much worse
In a capitalist economy, investors are free to buy, sell, produce, and distribute goods and services with at most limited government control, at prices determined primarily by a competition for profit in a free market.
59.How can a Business get rid of the Bad Name that it has earned?
In my opinion first of all the company should apologise to its customer. Try to freely change the product if possible. And should study what was the reason which led to failure of the product and take some strict action against it so that in future things don't happen again. And again make a come back by selling product at a cheaper rate as in India max people first priority is the cost of the product.
60.Government Pumping Money into the Economy is not the Solution for our Economic Problems
According to me pumping of money should be done only in the time of emergencies a country faces. If now for the reason of economic problems govt should take taxes and make policy for it but if pumping is done then before doing that a system for pipelining for it should be prepared and made available in public domain so that accumulation of wealth does not occur in the hands of few corrupt ministers.
61.Is the Budgeting Exercise of any Use?
Yes I think budget is very important in every sphere whether in a family, in a organisation or in a country. Actually we need strategy and plans before doing a task and budget in the same way is just a plan or a strategy that how, why and how much we are going to spend in a year. Budget is made by taking account of all classes of people in the country. Also it tells us that how our government is utilizing the money in different sectors.
62.Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?
Hello everyone as per my opinion subsidy to farmers should not be stopped, why because 70% of Indians are depends upon the agriculture and also they are backbone to our nation economy they are scarifying their entire life to feed the world, now a days food which we are taking totally artificial with that human life also coming down now the people how depends on agriculture are decreasing day by day because of they are not getting good returns on their crops, they don't have any awareness on technology the government should give the training to the farmers for better working and should encourage to minimize the artificial fertilizers. The government should encourage the students to study the agriculture education.
63.Is MNCs Superior to Indian Companies?
We cannot talk about superior or inferior in this context since both have equal pros and cons. A MNC provides financial benefits, provides exposure to latest technologies, enhances the employment rate and contributes to economic growth via taxes. On other hand it gathers its own profits by working on cheaper labour and taking back all profits. Indian companies have grown tremendously in the past 4-5 years. They have outshined many MNCs and even acquired them. Corus acquisition by TATA is an apt example here. Indian companies have taken the government responsibilities as well like AADHAR card project taken up by Infosys. Many Indian companies have done so well that MNCs have merged them with themselves. Indian entrepreneurs are amongst the best talents of the world.
64.Advertising is a Waste of Resources
Advertisement means providing adequate knowledge about some products to potential consumer. So that they are motivated to buy the products and services. With the help of advertisement a manufacturer can spread information about their product to vast area. Through this medium manufacturer tries to establish superiority of their product in comparison to other manufacturer product and increases the demand of product by the old as well as new consumer. THANK YOU.
65.Privatization will lead to Less Corruption
Privatization is not gonna make any changes in any of our system. If we are taking the case of our engineering colleges, most of them are private institutions. Even Though they used to collect a large amount from each student as donation. This is an another face of corruption. But instead of that we must follow top tax system. It will be better than anything.
66.Should India break Diplomatic Ties with Pakistan?
I think that something which comes into world due to hatred, can't be good for anyone. Pakistan has taken birth by a futile violence and riots. It is the enemy of India from our very first Independence day. And in 67 years of our independence, Pakistan has given innumerable proofs that it doesn't deserve the friendship of India. So Indian government should also just discard Pakistan. And I think that, it may sounds ironical, but it can also avoid wars with Pakistan because a war only happens if there is some sort of conflict, some sort of strife is present in between the nation. And conflict arises if you communicate with them. But if India just part its way from Pakistan and breaks all the relationship, whether it is good or bad, both nation I think will be in peace because the best way to resolve enmity is to just discard all the relationship with your foe.
67.Use of Force by Banks to Recover Loans
Hi in my view banks have every right to recover the loan by selling the mortgaged property and other assets of the wilful defaulter as banks money is of public money and if loans will go to be bad in higher scales banks will default in payment to its depositor and ultimately whole financial system will collapse.
68.Skilled Manpower Shortage in India
It is frank that the India contain a huge of Manpower. But India is unable to use it. Now a days most of employes anxious to say ' I am working in US ', ' I am in LONDON '. Just think once where he is from. He is from India itself. So please use our manpower for our country to improve.
69.Technology Creates Income Disparities
Hi friends in my opinion technology is a shortcut (fast) for every work it is upgrading day by day but simultaneously we should concentrate non-technical methods. Such as we can send a message to any other person who is far away from us by calling, messaging through electronic gadgets, but if those electronic gadgets may expire at any time then what would be the situation ? so we have to create an alternative for every work by non technical method also.
70.In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing.
Here we are discussing the topic that is "in our economy there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing. ". Actually that's true with each Indian. In fact I will say that this is the special characteristic of the Indian. Every one just comment on whatever is going on but does never do anything. That's also true with our government and also in our economy. That's true that before taking any action, they should think on it and there should be a discussion and should include the everyone's view, But in India, this takes a lot of time on discussion and in fact after that, most of the time, no action is taken.
71.Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
The proverb makes sense. Hardships can be taken into account by dwelling into true potential and realizing the goals one want. Even when you try so hard but you don't get the outcome which leads to sadness, silver lining itself says that don't lose hope and take it as a step to improve the work done by you in a better way and work harder and then the cloud will seem much more brighter. Enjoy the process and do not stop to attempt even though you fail. All you have to do is rise every time when the setbacks pulls you down.
72.Is disinvestment really that good for India or is a rethink in order?
Disinvestment is good up to a certain level because it generate huge funds & this fund could be deploy in social sector, subsidies & can reduce fiscal deficit as a revenue source & create good corporate governance but up to a certain level 49% as I think because above that level it direct economy towards private monopoly from state monopoly which is harmful for a country.
73.Are co-operatives relevant in today's globalised environment?
Hi Friends, According to me co-operatives are still relevant in today's global environment. India is a developing country. Their are two types of co-operatives exist in our country. First those who work for their their economic growth and second those who work only for their people welfare and child labor etc. NGO's come under second one. India more than 35% people are living under the poverty line they don't know their rights even. In this case the co-operatives who are working only for people welfare help them. Now the public and private sectors are working together for the company growth that is really essential for our country.
74.Foreign aid is a dangerous drug that can stimulate in small doses but become fatally addictive in larger doses.
Yes I agree with the point. Although foreign aid is a big help when a country is in need but any country should not be dependent on the aid only rather they should try to face the situation and seek for a good solution. If I talk about a recent disaster which was happened in kedarnath few months back, the government received huge amount from donations as well as foreign aids. Now what? did we try to sort out the real problem and find any solution for handling this kinda situation in future? I we were self dependent, advanced and prepared we wouldn't have needed any aid. Aid is temporary and doesn't give any solution.
75.Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector for corruption.
In my point of view corruption is may not only depends upon the government or private sector but depends upon the persons who are corrupting. In private sector the job is not permanent means not secured so that may people afraid to do corruption. Where as in public sector job is full secured so more chances to get corrupted. By using advanced technology we are advised to detect corruptors remove from their job in public sector.
76.Reforms have to grow up.
For a developing country like India, whose most of the population lives in rural sector, rate of reforms taking place there is very low. Most of the villages are still not well connected to the nearest urban civilization via ordinary road. Village peoples have common problem of electricity, network, private schooling for children etc. I think this the is the area where requirement of reformation is most crucial. We all aware of the fact that how agriculture plays highly important role towards GDP contribution. In contrast Metropolis are growing day by day. Stadiums, Parks and many other constructions are enhanced, which drain out lots of government's revenue (although these are important but not in the cost basic needs of village people). Currently reform is a must for each sector of our country and it's rate must be as high as possible. Elite group (members of upper house and senior politicians) has to realize this fact that for the integrity of the nation each people should have equal opportunity and conveniences. We can't much rely on politicians. Efforts are needed from all of us. Almost everybody from are somehow related to villages, we should to take steps for there reforms. At least the thing which we could do is, we can help villages students in there studies and made them enthusiastic for their and hence nation's growth.
77.Globalization vs. Nationalism
All our country progress and development is today because of globalization. Think before of medieval history if European countries have not came to India For the purpose of business then today India remained backward and in the list of poor countries. So globalisation must be their in today's competitive world. Nationalisation is good for country to increase it current account deficit and flow of rupee remain in our country only. It is beneficial for our country to balance rupee against dollar in nowadays.
78.Economic freedom not old fashioned theories of development will lead to growth and prosperity
Yes free economy brings prosperity. It provide healthy atmosphere for entrepreneur to grow. More focus should be given to development of Small and medium scale enterprise and Micro small and medium scale enterprise sector which contributes to the improvement of overall gross domestic product of our country thereby leading to economic stability. We should control the foreign direct investment and foreign institutional investment investment in our economy which maximize their profit and the we became the looser. Being an agrarian country reform in our agricultural sector is more important. We should provide our farmers high technology instruments seeds but we should also focus on the quality as well as quantity. It will boost our production. Huge employment will be generated and country will trade the path of growing and healthy economy with lesser inflation.
79.Should businessmen run the finance ministry?
Business is the only set up and established by the one individual with his ability by owning his ideas. Chose the alternative objectives based on his capital budget. Everything it will be based on him. According to finance ministry which is only think about one countries GDP, inflation and all it is mainly based on that. It is better businessman should not run the finance ministry.
80.Should important services like transport be left to market forces?
Hi Friends, I would like to share my views on this topic. According to me services like transport should not be left to market forces. In India more than 50% people are below to poverty line. They are completely dependent on public transport. Private sectors will think for their profit. They couldn't think for poor people. Common People and labor class people will face lots of difficulties to reach new area of development and thus growth will be affected. Private sectors can take lots of undue charges from people for affecting growth. So some policies should be made by government for increasing economy growth but not left the important services like transport to the market.
81.Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies?
Hi friends. I think MNC is better than INDIAN company because a MNC company employee live life without corruption every day. And Now a day Salary Package also matter. In MNC company haven't reservation so everyone have a equal stage specially for gen. And aMNC Companies have a lot of pressure but its all are depend on employee how he/she manage it because this pressure extend your mind limits and you also see your abilities and capacity. Government Jobs is a part of corruption and corruption is totally change human mindset. Thanks.
82.What we need to reduce scams is better regulatory bodies.
India is a democratic country where the government has elected by the people. If the political system is good then everything else will be fine, unfortunately some of politicians are doing scams for the fruit full money with high desire. As they try to grasp the opportunity in the activities/schemes which have to reach the common man, but it is not happening. Because of weekly tightened governance system.
83.Trade can help the poor?
Hi to everyone, I am also interested in presenting my views regarding this topic. Trade can really help poor in their development as trade is something that doesn't require any kind of knowledge, degree, talent, etc. It only develops by the experience, your great observation that are available to the poors. Poor people can use their experience and their day-to-day observations of market in order to involve themselves in trading. This can surely help the poor people in order to feed their families. Though they do not earn huge amount of money from this, but at least that much money is sufficient for the survival of their families and also for making them independent. It makes them self dependent so that they do not beg before others for atmost food for one time for them. HENCE, trade really makes life of poor people easier. THANK YOU.
84.Water resources should be nationalised
Water resources should be nationalized. Because agriculture is backbone of our country and also we can't survive without water. If it is nationalized there is no conflict between the states of our country. Through this we can improve agriculture, so, the productivity is more and we can get all goods more cheaper. And employment will be more. Our country will become economically strong.
85.Are Co-operatives Relevant in Today's Global Environment?
Hi Friends, I would like to suggest my views on this topic. According to me Co-operatives are definitely relevant in global environment. Co-operatives means group of people who make a team to run business. It can be of any kind like hand loom, fishery education. If government help us more in this system than definitely we will grow very high in this GDP.
86.Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
Hi friends. In my point of view Indian villages are weakness for our country because as per today senses one third of the people did not get their meals properly. Most of them highlight that Indian villages are "backbone" if we are the backbone means why should we import food material from other country. Really if we are backbone means we want to export the all food material to other country. Did you all agree this?
87.Space Missions are a Wastage of Resources for a Resource-Starved Nation like India
According to me, space missions are not a wastage of resources for a country like us. We cannot ignore the role that is played by the satellites in our day to day life. Because of these satellites, we can predict the occurrence of various tsunamis, cyclones, floods etc. That can cause a huge loss to human race. Only because of these satellites we can predict the disasters and can take evacuation steps earlier so that the loss can be avoided. Our involvement in launching the satellites also necessary for making INDIA a developed country. Hence, space missions are not wastage of resources if we use the resources in all the fields equally i.e.for eradication of poverty, unemployment, etc.
88.Satyam Scandal would Impact Foreign Investments in India
According to me, though satyam scandal has put a black mark on Indian status before other foreign countries, but we should also not forget about the other companies that are doing well in our country in providing services to the foreign countries. Bad work by one company cannot spoil the status of other countries that are doing well in our country. One cannot blame others even if only one person is bad. Hence, the point is satyam scandal doesn't effect the foreign investments as foreign companies also have trust on other service providing companies of India.
89.Private Participation in Infrastructure is Highly Desirable
According to me, as the need of becoming a developed country is increasing day by day, the pressure on government is also increasing in order to improve or strengthen the infrastructure that forms a basis for making our country developed. Government alone cannot meet this demand of strengthening the infrastructure of our country so in that case, private companies will play and are playing an important role strengthening the infrastructure of our country in order to make our country a developed one. AS, infrastructure play an important role in this. Hence, both government And private companies must contribute in making infrastructure strong.
90.Developing Countries need Trade, not Aid
According to me, we as a developing country needs trade instead of aid. By getting aid from other developed countries, we will become lazy in process of development and will not be able to become self-dependent. Though we can become self-dependent as we possess the talent in our country that is needed for this purpose. We should take help from other countries that's developed countries only at limited extent not always. Increasing our share in trade will definitely help us in improving our financial status, in increasing our national income and in order to make us a developed country from a developing one.
91.Poverty in Third World Countries is due to Prosperity in First World Countries
According to me this statement is not true. Prosperity of a nation depends upon its citizens, upon their seriousness towards the adoption of the rules implemented by the country's government and by the hard work of the citizens in which they contribute a lot towards the national income of the country. First world countries have become developed because of their citizens who possessed all these qualities but in third world countries, lack of these qualities is responsible for lack of prosperity in these countries.
92.Indian Economy: Old Wine in New Bottle!
Yeah you are right its time to dynamic and young peoples to comes into politics even educated people would might become our politicians and the person who have knowledge about agriculture they must deal deal with agriculture ministry the person who have knowledge about the specific they should be deal with that era with their whole interest and perform their duty with wholeheartedly.
93.Is Globalization Really Necessary?
Yes Globalization is very important for our economy. Because if our Indian Economy wants to grow more We need to deal with other countries as well. They provide us better technology which is very beneficial for our economy. And India is developing country so to make it developed country its really imp to deal with other countries in terms of export, imports etc.
94.What shall we do about our Ever-Increasing Population?
India is among the most populous nations of the world and according to the recent research India will become the most populated country leaving behind China by 2030. Dealing with the rising population of the country has become a major issue to deal with. According to me, the population of the country can be controlled by creating awareness among the people of the country especially those living in the backward areas. The benefits of having small families, sex education among the people, camps and meetings concerning the rising population issue, and many more. Also, according to me, the government should provide a kind of compensation for those couples who plan for a single child or who adopt orphan children. In Fact looking at the current growing population, government should make strict laws so that population can be controlled to an extent.
95.Banning of Trade Unions will be Beneficial in Growth of the Economy
According to me, trade union should not be banned. Now a days, industries are increasing in size in order to make country developed one. This enlargement also leading to employement to large no of workers. Hence, as the organisations are increasing so, there is need for an intermediate medium between the management and workers to convey the problems to management. As, management itself can take care of the implementation of policies and securities and comfort of workers. So, in that case, Trade unions play an important role in conveying the problems to the management so that workers do not face any problem and will do their best in order for the development of the organisation. But one thing is also to be noted that, it can work only if the trade unions do their work honestly.
96.Why can't India be a World-Class Player in Manufacturing Industry as it is in IT & BPO Sectors?
I totally in favor of the topic of discussion, but I will not going to blame government Or and body for sports for it. I my point of view our parents are responsible for it they doesn't that a boy or a girl can achieve more success as well as fame in the world by the field of sports. Yes there are lack of opportunity in field of sports for a general person but we have to grape those opportunity with both hand. If we believe we can achieve anything. I my point of view we all should play at least one sport for physical fitness and also support those who follows it. If you work hard in academic studies you can improve only your report card. But, If you work hard for sport you can improve our country report card in Olympics. Please do it for your country.
97.We Need Drinking Water and Not Coke & Pepsi in Rural India
In general when a person in thirsty, he used to have a glass of water. But now a days things made different by that situation he would like buy a soft drink. In olden days when a person visits to our home, we used to give a glass of water to that person. Nowadays it becomes passion while giving a glass of soft drinks like maza, cook, People do not think the problem behind that companies would prepare those drinks with harmful chemicals. While having those drinks their would be chance of stomach diseases. So the Govt Should restrict these companies and make awareness among the people about those soft drinks and educate them about the importance of our traditional homemade drinks like coconut water, lemon water, butter milk. Etc.
98.Rise of Regional Blocs Threatens Independent Nations like India
According to me, regional blocs surely leads to disintegration of the country, especially a big one like ours, INDIA. A new region will surely think only about for their people welfare not for the welfare of our whole nation. This selfishness of a particular region will surely lead to disintegration of our country. Hence, we should oppose this idea of regional blocs as it will cause more harm than benefit.
99.Should the public sector be privatized?
According to me, public sector should be privatized. Because we all know that salary of workers in public sectors are fixed. Company's turnover does not affect the salary of individual. They do not get under pressurized. So they don't give 100% efforts. But in private sector job is not secure. Workers have to give 100% efforts because of competition. Thus private sectors grows very well than public sectors.
Your handshake should reflect your confidence. The handshake should be firm and only firm. Do not crush his/her hand! A weak shake shows either lack of confidence or lack of interest. The handshake is often a litmus test right at the beginning that helps the employer to decide if you are fit for work or not. If you sweat a lot, Do not forget to carry a handkerchief and wipe your hands before entering the room.
2.Maintain eye contact:
While talking to the interviewer look straight in to his eyes, it shows that you are confident and is true about whatever you are talking about. Do not look here and there while answering to his questions. Eye contact establishes rapport and conveys mutual understanding and attention.
3.Do not touch your face
Most of us have a habit of touching our own face a number of times, while talking to others. It has been found that an average person touches his/her face between 2000 to 3000 times. Infact, you would have touched your face a couple of times while reading this article. Almost all of us have the habit of touching our nose, our lips, and our forehead, but this gives a signal that we are either nervous or we are not being honest. Now that you know it is difficult to control this sub-consciously, you have to avoid touching your face during the interview.
4.Do not shake your leg
Shaking one's leg is another most common thing that is difficult to control. Even though it might be just a habit, but the message it conveys to the interviewer is that you are nervous. And this isn't something which an interviewer would look for in his future colleague.
5.Don't sit up too straight
Sit up straight, and lean slightly forward in your chair. In addition to projecting interest and engagement in the interaction, aligning your body's position to that of the interviewer's shows admiration and agreement. But do not sit up too straight that it looks awkward and makes others uncomfortable around you.
6.Limit your Hand movements
People generally use their hands to express enthusiasm or convey what they are thinking effectively. It does help in elaborating things.But be careful, overdoing it can irritate someone, expecially when he is noticing your hands. Try to keep you hands in the "Truth Plane" i.e. the area infront of your belly, a visual expression that communicates the right mix of composed, competent resolve and level-headed credibility.
7.Maintain Interest
When you sit down to talk, don’t slouch or lean back – both imply disinterest. Sit straight up and lean slightly towards your interviewer, suggesting respect and attentiveness. Be sure to nod occasionally, smile and leave your hands casually in your lap or resting on the arms of the chair. You an also try paying attention to your interviewer’s body language to make sure you are both on the same page.
8.Don’t be distracting
By playing with your hair, rubbing or scratching your skin, you may come off as nervous and untrustworthy. Likewise, don’t cross your arms or lean towards the exit – your interviewer might find you standoffish, distant, or disengaged. Keep the focus on the interviewer and what they are saying – people are naturally flattered by attention.
9.Remember to relax
Breathe, you’re almost there. Imagine yourself at once alert and at ease. Smile. You look great. Answer a couple more questions and ask a few of your own. Stress shows in your face and throughout your entire body. It’s very difficult to feign relaxation – you actually have to be relaxed. To do this, make sure you practice relaxation techniques regularly.
10.End Strong
Wrapping up? Stand up, smile, and shake hands after the interview is over. Be respectful and thank the other person for their time. Exchange the necessary pleasantries and leave slowly, chin up. There is a reason for expressions like “chin up” – our expressions and posture really do indicate important things. Whether you get the job or not, at least you went in to the interview with style and grace, and communicated your intentions with confidence and professionalism. With a bit of luck, your body language will have been the icing on the cake. Your interviewer will remember you as a confident, assertive, friendly, and honest applicant – all the important things that get you the job.
A smiling face portrays exuberance and eagerness and it is a good way to impress your interviewers and the panel members of the group discussion. A smiling and happy demeanor shows that you are really happy to be where you are. But, don’t go overboard with it as an artificial or oversized smile can have the wrong effect. An experienced interviewer will immediately know if you are acting or forcing the smile in a certain way. It is good to smile sometimes when you actually mean it during the interview and group discussion rather than grinning constantly without any reason.
12.Be Careful Of Personal Space
Individual cultures and faiths in the different candidates who come for admission to the MBA program tend to make them different in all aspects including an appropriate personal space. Some people may feel comfortable speaking only inches from the other person while others may need a decent space. When sitting in a group discussion, you must ensure that you respect the personal space that the candidate sitting beside you. Similarly, when in front of your interviewer, be careful of how far or close you sit.
13.Be Expressive and Open
Your physical gestures must be expressive and open. You must try to engage your interviewer by gesturing positively such as keeping your palms straight and open which demonstrates honesty. You should never bang your hand on the table and always avoid pointing fingers to make a point during the group discussion and personal interview. These negative physical gestures would not go well with your interviewing panel and should be strictly avoided.
14.Demonstrate Inquisitiveness
Maintaining an eye contact and nodding your head are the best ways to show your eagerness or interest in an interview as well as the group discussion. The panel will appreciate that you are actively engaged in the discussion and paying attention to what the others are saying. Lack of eye contact and other listening cues would suggest your disinterest in the interview and weaken your chances to succeed.
15.Looking Disinterested
Physical gestures such as rubbing the back of the head, touching the nose or hair would signal your disinterest in the interview.Therefore, these actions should be avoided in spite of the bouts of nervousness and stress that you might be experiencing before the interview. Try to sit straight confidently without leaning too forward or bending too backwards during both the group discussion and interview.
16.Signaling Nervousness
Some candidates may unknowingly grab their folder or bag too tightly or may constantly touch and wipe their face in front of the interviewer. Other gestures such as tapping the fingers, biting or licking the lips, frowning, adjusting hair or clothing again and again must also be avoided for a positive impression on the panel members. These gestures signal the candidate’s nervousness even though he may be trying hard to hide it. The interviewers are smarter and more experienced than you are, so, they can easily perceive gestures that portray anxiety or nervousness. So, try to remain calm and relaxed and do not make unnecessary movements. While being nervous is natural and many interviewers may not find it negative, it will still increase your inhibitions and degrade your performance.
17.Getting Too Relaxed
Lounging with your arms and legs dangling would suggest you are getting too relaxed for the group discussion and interview. Similarly, crossed feet and completely stretched out legs also demonstrate you are very relaxed for the group discussion and this may also be taken for over confidence on your part. Therefore, you should try to show some seriousness by listening attentively and speaking meaningfully without making any carefree gestures that undermine your intent and eagerness in the selection procedure.
In oral communication situations paralanguage plays an important role while speaking or listening. The speaker or listener makes use of sounds like ‘Hmm’ – ‘ha’, or clicks his tongue or chuckles. These sounds, though do not have a semantic value (meaning), are in fact important prompters in maintaining an unbroken communication chain. They are effective tools of listening. Empathetic listening (ability to imagine and share another person’s feelings, etc.) is characterised by the use of para-language. Our speech is affected by the volume of our voice, the speed of articulation and such sounds made by clicking of our tongue, chuckling, etc. We come across people whose voices quiver when excited. Some others raise the decibel level of their voice. These are people who shriek or shout when provoked. All these lead to an evaluation of the personality of the communicator.
19.Voice and Tone
It is possible to communicate an unpleasant information pleasantly or good news badly. When you tell someone, ‘you have done a great job’, it is your statement and the tone together show the receiver whether you are complimenting him or ridiculing him. A complimentary tone is distinctly different from a sarcastic tone.
In oral communication situations, the space between the speaker and the listener is important. Americans consider that a person who comes very close to him while speaking, say, less than two feet is invading into his privacy. Only in intimate and personal situations can people move closer than a foot and a half. To us, who are used to overcrowded public transport system, the American practice of maintaining space in the elevator will be rather surprising whereas to him our invasion of his personal space revolting.
In oral communication situations, silence plays an important role. People quite often talk about “eloquent silence”. Yes, silence can send communication signals. Silence in a particular situation may mean acceptance, agreement and in certain others indifference, apathy or even anger.
22.Listening – a Proactive Skill
In oral communication situations, listening plays an important role. Listening is different from hearing. One can hear all noises and sounds and yet could be a poor listener. Listening is hearing attentively and responding appropriately. Only a good listener can became a good speaker. Attentiveness begins with the posture a listener adopts while he is listening. If a person inclines towards the speaker, it means that the speaker is not clear either in the message or in his articulation. If the listener tilts his head backwards, it shows that he is indifferent. A Good listener is proactive. He is, as they usually say, “all ears”. He responds appropriately using paralanguage. He says, Hmm—yeah—yes—come on now and then. He asks questions and verifies facts. A listener’s role in an oral communication situation is as important as a speaker’s role. Listening in communication has several beneficial results. Good listening leads to getting useful and updated information. Good listening creates a better understanding and rapport between the speaker and listener. Good listening leads to better decisions. Good listening provides the best feed back to the speaker.
23.The first meeting
After you have announced yourself at the reception or to an employee of the company, you will often be asked to take a seat. After a while someone will come to lead you to the interview area. Do not jump up immediately and offer this person a handshake. It's better to let the other person takes the initiative. Shake hands firmly, but not too powerfully and look straight at the other person. After this you will be introduced to the (other) members of the application committee. During this introduction it is better to walk around the table to shake hands with the committee members, instead of leaning over the table. With each greeting look directly at the other person, and say your name. Except for an internal application, don't assume that the other people know your name.
24.Choosing the right seat
After the initial introduction you will usually be directed to take a seat. If you are left to choose a place yourself, choose a place from where you can clearly see all the interview participants, and from where they can also see you. If someone is sitting half behind you, and you can't really see him, he may not get such a good impression of you because of this.
25.Tune your body posture
During your job interview try to adopt a posture that shows interest but still comes across as being relaxed. You can do this by sitting up straight in your chair at the beginning of the interview, with your back against the back of the chair. If you slouch or hang sideways in your chair, it might give the impression that you are not that interested in the job. However, sitting on the edge of your chair can come across as being a little tense and might give the impression that you feel uncomfortable. You can change your body posture a little during the interview. For example, when someone says something it is good to turn a little with your shoulders towards this person and to lean forward a little. This shows an interest in what the other person is saying. You can emphasise this by tilting your head a little. It is also important to pay attention to the posture of your interview partners. In some cases you can achieve mutual tuning by adopting the same posture as the other person.
26.What to do with your hands?
Just the same as when you are giving a presentation, many people often regard their hands as obstacles during a job interview rather than a useful means of communication. That is why people often ask what to do with their hands. In a difficult situation we are often inclined to fold our arms across our body. This helps to give us a more secure feeling. During a job interview it is better not to do this, because folding your arms can be interpreted as a defensive move. It is better to let your hands lie loosely on your lap or place them on the armrests of your chair. From these positions it's also easy to support your words with hand gestures.
27.Movements: a dynamic interview?
Nodding your head while speaking is a good way of supporting your words or adding meaning to them. Hand movements can also help to liven up the interview. The fact that you dare to make movements with your hands during an interview might indicate that you feel at ease quickly. In most cases it is better not to make too many hand movements at the start of the interview but add them slowly throughout the interview. As regards this, pay attention to your interview partners as well: if they use their hands a lot to make things clear, you can definitely do this as well. When they don't make many movements, it is better if you don't either. Just the same as with body posture, it is important to tune your movements to those of the other person. Also pay attention to inadvertent movements that you may make sometimes due to nervousness. For example, shuffling with your feet or kicking against the leg of a table can be very irritating for other people. Drumming with your fingers or clicking with a pen also won't be a great contribution to the interview. So pay attention!
28.When should you look at whom?
During the job interview it is important to look at all the interview partners to an equal extent. By looking directly at the other person we are giving them a sign of trust. By looking directly at people we are also in control of the conversation. Looking directly at somebody or looking away actually serves as the dots and commas in our spoken sentences. When one of the committee members explains something or poses a question, keep looking at this person for as long as he or she is speaking. This shows that you're listening. While he is speaking he may also look at the other people, but every time he wants to emphasise something he will look at you again. You can then nod to encourage him to continue talking. At the end of his question, he will keep looking at you and then tilt his head up a little to invite you to give an answer. When you answer a question, you will look first at the person who posed the question, but while you answer you should take turns looking at the other interview partners as well. You should direct yourself again to the person who posed the question when you want to emphasise something and at the end of your answer.
29.Also pay attention to the body language of your interview partners
Apart from paying attention to your own body language, it is also important to see how your interview partners are behaving. The postures and movements of other people can give you an impression of how you are coming across to them. This can serve as a warning at an early stage that you might be doing something wrong that you are not being aware of. For example, when the committee members are of the opinion that you hold the floor for too long or you annoy them with your interruptions, they will show their irritation at first through their body language. When the committee members shake their heads, sigh or fold their arms and lean back, you can take this as a sign of displeasure. Usually it is not yet too late to change this. You see, it also applies to your interview partners that their body language takes place subconsciously. However, don't wait too long because then their irritation will transfer to their consciousness.
30.Do not worry too much about tension
Knowledge of body language can help you improve the mutual tuning during the interview. You can use this knowledge to hide your nervousness a little, but actually this is something you shouldn't worry about too much. Many applicants are nervous during an interview and of course they would much prefer not to let this nervousness show. However, it's not such a bad thing to be nervous. The committee members will understand this. Your nervousness may even show that you feel this job is important to you. If you weren't nervous, and therefore sit a little nonchalant, it might indicate that you are not that interested. Also realise that the job interview is more than just a means for the employer to determine which of the candidates is most suitable for the job. The job interview especially is a moment of mutual acquaintance. It's a first meeting with people that you might soon work together with. Therefore the boss should actually be just as nervous as you!
31.The head
As adults, we still have childish habits and one of them is to focus on the face of someone who is speaking to you. So get those expressions working for you and really exaggerate the meaning. Smile, frown, look angry, shocked, amazed – but please always be congruent with your message.
32.Eye Contact
Next we have eye contact. This is probably the one skill, when mastered, that does the most to engage the audience and build trust and rapport with the audience. The rule is to hardly ever let go. Imagine you’re playing tennis or squash. You never let your eye off the ball otherwise you’ll miss a shot. Like wise, keep your eye contact on the audience at all times. Careful with the lighthouse technique as well – this is where speakers sweep the audience in a repetitive swishing motion that does more to put people to sleep than engage. Instead have a conversation with your audience with your eyes. Randomly contact with each audience member and give them 2 to 3 seconds of eye contact and move onto the next person. Maintain this random movement. Find those in the audience who like just a little more eye contact and be aware of those who want slightly less. When faced with a large audience – more than 25 or so people, adopt a similar habit but don’t give each person eye contact. That’ll take ages. Instead clump people into small groups and give these clumps the same eye contact as if they were one person. Because of the distance between you and a large audience, this gives people the impression that you are looking at them.
Now let’s go to the other extreme of your body. Your feet and legs. Now what do you do with these limbs. Not a lot really unless you are moving around your stage, that’s movement with a purpose, not aimless wandering that only distracts the audience. Try to stand with both feet firmly on the ground pretty much the same distance apart as your shoulders. Keep them balanced so your body is not leaning to one side. Don’t look like a cat walk model or if you’re supping a pint at the bar of your local. Stand straight and look professional not a slouch. Nerves…that’s a word than conjures up fear and dread every time people stand up and speak in public. And sure enough you’ll have nerves. Professionals call it adrenaline and you need that to do a really good job. If you don’t have nerves or adrenaline, you might as well not bother because you can’t be bothered. Sop welcome nerves, call them adrenaline and make them work for you. Nerves will show in the periphery of your body. The ends such as feet, hands, head. Keeping your feet still transfers this energy to the top part of your body where it should go. You should stay rigid to the spot; that would be terrible for 20 minutes. Instead focus your attention on preventing aimless movement, pacing up and down, shifting from side to side.
34.The Body
Next we have the trunk. Not much you can do with the trunk apart from keeping it straight. Not like the sergeant Major on the parade ground but not slouched either. Relaxed and comfortable. The worse sin is to block the invisible mid line that runs from between your 2 feet and your head. Block it and you place a barrier with your audience. Just don’t block it – that’s the rule.
35.Hands and Arms
How many people I’ve spoken with who don’t know what to do with these very useful limbs. Shame really so they copy people on the TV especially weather girls. They grasp them together. It made me feel better and comfortable so much that as soon as I stood up to talk, my two hands came together. And when I got really nervous I used to rub them together too. So what do you do with them? Behind your backs but that just reminds me of Prince Charles. In your pockets I hear you say. No, you’re hiding something, keeping back from the audience and besides, you’re missing out on a great weapon. No the answer is to use them to back up your message by gesturing. We should gesture with audiences. Large dramatic gestures to help the audience understand what you’re saying. Broad gestures that welcome every person into your speech, building rapport. Think of your speech content and let your hands do the talking. Watch deaf people doing their sign language – it really is a very clever way of losing your gesture buttons. And when not gesturing, or talking, maybe standing still to take questions from your audience, assume the assertive stance. Standing straight with your arms and hands down your sides in a relaxed assertive and confident manner.
36.Body Movement
Finally, body movement. Movement can be an enormously effective way of engaging the audience into your message. Clean your stage – remove obstacles, tape wires to the floor, so you don’t trip over them, place the screen to the side. Once you have a clear space do move around with a purpose. I’ve used past, present and future by gradually moving along an imaginary line. The audience can see the time moving along as well as hear. I’ve used one side of the stage being advantages of an idea I’m promoting and the other side, the disadvantages. I’ve placed flipcharts at both sides of the room to mirror these place anchors. Move forward towards your audience when you want to make a really big point. Move backwards when you want them to reflect on something. Move to your left or right to change the subject or pace of your delivery. Do move around your stage but with a distinct purpose. The next time you’re observing and listening to a speaker, try and cut out the sound and focus entirely on the visual aspects. Try and interpret what he or she is saying just by the body language alone. You may not be right in your assumption of the meaning, but its the impression that everyone else is probably getting too. And first impressions last for ages.
37.GD Knowledge
Your ability to state convincing and possible solutions for the topic or case study will determine how good you are in applying what you have learned till now. The panel ranks the ability to use your knowledge in real life situations rather highly. Your ability to build a strong knowledge base is dependent on your understanding.
38.GD Listening Skills
You are in a GROUP discussion. You must participate as a group member. If you include the viewpoints of others in your viewpoint, then you will be seen more favorably by the Group Discussion panel.
39.GD Respect
DO NOT criticize or laugh at the viewpoint of another participant no matter how silly it may sound. Group Discussion participants are expected to be dignified and professional in their behavior. Always speak positively and supportively of other participants
40.GD Initiate
Break the ice, be the first one to start the discussion, if somebody else has started, relax. There are a lot of opportunities later.
41.GD Listen
Carefully. Communication is a lot about listening. Listen, Comprehend, Analyse. When you listen carefully, it allows you to contemplate and analyse which helps in speaking the right thing at the right time
42.GD Remember
Names, Facts, Figures, Quotations. It helps a lot if you know who has spoken what. If permitted, you can use a notepad to write.
43.GD Observe
Body language, how conversation shapes up, gets diverted. Then do the right thing at the right time.
44.GD Manage
People. At times there are people who create difficult situations. These are best opportunities to demonstrate assertive attitude.
45.GD Communicate
Be frank, clear, firm and jovial in your communication. Your voice should reach out but not irritate people.
46.GD Summarise
If you did not initiate the talk, this is the right time. If you have been listening carefully, your summary will be the best one.
47.Is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector good for India?
If government allows FDI into retail, we will face a lot of problems in Economic of our country. They will have to increase modern technology. Definitely it will affect our employment opportunity. They will try to replace the manpower and they will not consider the rural area development. My point of view, Our government should not allow FDI into retail market. Suppose They allows FDI, after 5 years, India will become poor country. So we should not allow culprits into our powerful country.
48.How to Deal with High Oil Prices?
Hii everybody, 1. I think one of the main problem in India for high oil prices is Traffic. Road are in very bad condition and not a single option present to stop that except few cities. 2. We have pool our cars and bike with our colleague. So this may help to reduce the consumption of oil. 3. Automobiles should be regularly check by pollution centers.
49.Multinational Corporations: Are they Devils in Disguise?
In my opinion yes it is truth that these so called multinational corpoations are devils in disguise though they never meant to be so. I will explain It how. There are many multinationals who expect the candidate to be ready to work for their organisation at a meagre salary. Considering the inflation rate it isn't good for the citizens of our country. They make profit but the employees who suffer like donkeys have no future. I heard recently that the new bill passed in Loksabha is stating that the workers in private organisations are not given any right to protest against the injustice happening to them. So no more strikes will occur in private sector. It would depend on their management whether the salary hike n some other facilities and privileges are to be given to employees or not. The workers have no right to make unions and then go on a strike for putting up a protest against their issues. Government needs to have some hold over these institutions. Their should be minimum wages fixed considering the inflation rate which is constantly going up. Such a hold is required for the purpose of employee welfare.
50.Are Indians Less Quality Conscious?
People who can afford branded product with high price get good quality product. There are village people those who even don't know which brand or which product is good for them. If we talk about urban areas then everyone prefers to go for axis or hdfc for their transactions because they are aware of their quality of services, and satisfaction they get from their employees provided they are of middle level or high level class people.
51.Ethics in Business are just a Passing Fad
If business wants to prosper then it has to follow certain ethics. Without ethics, suppose business is making false claims and selling there products, they might make profit for short run but the company will never flourish. I don want to elaborate but would like to cite a few examples. Let us take CAR companies like BUGATTI, LAMBORGHINI, FERRARI, PAGANI. They have there business ethics and they are still ruling, if they had think about profit then they could have produced tonnes of such cars. What they want is to produce quality. They follow ethics, they produce certain editions and we can see they are ruling and will keep on ruling.
52.Is the Consumer really the King in India?
I am totally agree with this point that the consumer is really a kind in India. We have the power to change the fortune of any company. Because of the consumer, Reliance is Reliance and Tata is Tata. Consumer play the significant role in companies growth as well the consumer is reason behind the failure of the company. That's why every company today is focusing so much in to analysis the consumer mind and their need. The success of the companies depend upon the loyalty of their consumers. At the time any company have a state of mind that they can produce any product and consumer will or they can think that they can cheat the consumer then the they are going to last stage of their business. Today consumers are aware of every company product and their brand and they become so sophisticated in their choices.
53.Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad?
Obviously it is one of good thing in India. Because even you have to pay more in clinics but kind of attention and treatment you get is much better than that of in government clinics. And cleanliness in environment is also an issue. Nurses as well as doctors in government clinics or hospitals are not much skilled or professional as in private hospitals. Staff in government hospitals do not treat their patients in good way which they are suppose to be but such thing does not happen in private hospitals or clinics. So obviously commercialization of health care is good.
54.Is there any Point in having a Business Strategy when the World changes from Month to Month?
YES this statement is correct. According to me business strategy is the base of any business. We all know that today the competition is very tough in the market for any business whether business is on local, national and international level. In this ever changing world if you don't have systematic strategy then you cannot stabilize your business over long time. And one more point to consider when we talk about the strategy, strategy is always according to changes in today not on previous techniques. I think growth of any business is directly proportional to the strategy.
55.Is the Patents Bill Good for India?
Patent law is really good for India. India is a Young country filled with talented people who really want to do something creative, innovate and turn the tables on the west. However one major hindrance in this field was the absence of a law protecting and recognizing the original work of the Indian inventors and innovators. So the Patent Bill can be termed as the need of the hour which will protect and recognize the Indian creators and this in turn will provide enthusiasm to the tired research sector and will give Indian innovators something to live and aim for.
56.Is the Business of Business only Business?
I do agree that the products produced should satisfy the customers and also they should be according to customers requirements. The organisers of the business also should be knowing about customers wants so as to get maximum profits. Also a business need not be only for business but also donate its percentage of profit to charity as many people and organisations do today. They can also play a vital role in changing situations in society.
57.Public Sector being a Guarantor of Job Security is a Myth
Public sector is indeed a job security for the Indian people. The so called sarkari seva will always attract the junta because of money and less work involved in it. People tend to misunderstand the whole motive of public sector and think it as an ordinary job. But the case is different here. The prime motive of public sector is to make India self sufficient in all front and the employees are expected to be people of highest character in the service of the nation. But now a days corruption in services has made this sector a money minting machine. Job security is indeed there in public sector in dealing with strategic areas.
58.Capitalism is a very Flawed System but the others are so much worse
In a capitalist economy, investors are free to buy, sell, produce, and distribute goods and services with at most limited government control, at prices determined primarily by a competition for profit in a free market.
59.How can a Business get rid of the Bad Name that it has earned?
In my opinion first of all the company should apologise to its customer. Try to freely change the product if possible. And should study what was the reason which led to failure of the product and take some strict action against it so that in future things don't happen again. And again make a come back by selling product at a cheaper rate as in India max people first priority is the cost of the product.
60.Government Pumping Money into the Economy is not the Solution for our Economic Problems
According to me pumping of money should be done only in the time of emergencies a country faces. If now for the reason of economic problems govt should take taxes and make policy for it but if pumping is done then before doing that a system for pipelining for it should be prepared and made available in public domain so that accumulation of wealth does not occur in the hands of few corrupt ministers.
61.Is the Budgeting Exercise of any Use?
Yes I think budget is very important in every sphere whether in a family, in a organisation or in a country. Actually we need strategy and plans before doing a task and budget in the same way is just a plan or a strategy that how, why and how much we are going to spend in a year. Budget is made by taking account of all classes of people in the country. Also it tells us that how our government is utilizing the money in different sectors.
62.Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?
Hello everyone as per my opinion subsidy to farmers should not be stopped, why because 70% of Indians are depends upon the agriculture and also they are backbone to our nation economy they are scarifying their entire life to feed the world, now a days food which we are taking totally artificial with that human life also coming down now the people how depends on agriculture are decreasing day by day because of they are not getting good returns on their crops, they don't have any awareness on technology the government should give the training to the farmers for better working and should encourage to minimize the artificial fertilizers. The government should encourage the students to study the agriculture education.
63.Is MNCs Superior to Indian Companies?
We cannot talk about superior or inferior in this context since both have equal pros and cons. A MNC provides financial benefits, provides exposure to latest technologies, enhances the employment rate and contributes to economic growth via taxes. On other hand it gathers its own profits by working on cheaper labour and taking back all profits. Indian companies have grown tremendously in the past 4-5 years. They have outshined many MNCs and even acquired them. Corus acquisition by TATA is an apt example here. Indian companies have taken the government responsibilities as well like AADHAR card project taken up by Infosys. Many Indian companies have done so well that MNCs have merged them with themselves. Indian entrepreneurs are amongst the best talents of the world.
64.Advertising is a Waste of Resources
Advertisement means providing adequate knowledge about some products to potential consumer. So that they are motivated to buy the products and services. With the help of advertisement a manufacturer can spread information about their product to vast area. Through this medium manufacturer tries to establish superiority of their product in comparison to other manufacturer product and increases the demand of product by the old as well as new consumer. THANK YOU.
65.Privatization will lead to Less Corruption
Privatization is not gonna make any changes in any of our system. If we are taking the case of our engineering colleges, most of them are private institutions. Even Though they used to collect a large amount from each student as donation. This is an another face of corruption. But instead of that we must follow top tax system. It will be better than anything.
66.Should India break Diplomatic Ties with Pakistan?
I think that something which comes into world due to hatred, can't be good for anyone. Pakistan has taken birth by a futile violence and riots. It is the enemy of India from our very first Independence day. And in 67 years of our independence, Pakistan has given innumerable proofs that it doesn't deserve the friendship of India. So Indian government should also just discard Pakistan. And I think that, it may sounds ironical, but it can also avoid wars with Pakistan because a war only happens if there is some sort of conflict, some sort of strife is present in between the nation. And conflict arises if you communicate with them. But if India just part its way from Pakistan and breaks all the relationship, whether it is good or bad, both nation I think will be in peace because the best way to resolve enmity is to just discard all the relationship with your foe.
67.Use of Force by Banks to Recover Loans
Hi in my view banks have every right to recover the loan by selling the mortgaged property and other assets of the wilful defaulter as banks money is of public money and if loans will go to be bad in higher scales banks will default in payment to its depositor and ultimately whole financial system will collapse.
68.Skilled Manpower Shortage in India
It is frank that the India contain a huge of Manpower. But India is unable to use it. Now a days most of employes anxious to say ' I am working in US ', ' I am in LONDON '. Just think once where he is from. He is from India itself. So please use our manpower for our country to improve.
69.Technology Creates Income Disparities
Hi friends in my opinion technology is a shortcut (fast) for every work it is upgrading day by day but simultaneously we should concentrate non-technical methods. Such as we can send a message to any other person who is far away from us by calling, messaging through electronic gadgets, but if those electronic gadgets may expire at any time then what would be the situation ? so we have to create an alternative for every work by non technical method also.
70.In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing.
Here we are discussing the topic that is "in our economy there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing. ". Actually that's true with each Indian. In fact I will say that this is the special characteristic of the Indian. Every one just comment on whatever is going on but does never do anything. That's also true with our government and also in our economy. That's true that before taking any action, they should think on it and there should be a discussion and should include the everyone's view, But in India, this takes a lot of time on discussion and in fact after that, most of the time, no action is taken.
71.Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
The proverb makes sense. Hardships can be taken into account by dwelling into true potential and realizing the goals one want. Even when you try so hard but you don't get the outcome which leads to sadness, silver lining itself says that don't lose hope and take it as a step to improve the work done by you in a better way and work harder and then the cloud will seem much more brighter. Enjoy the process and do not stop to attempt even though you fail. All you have to do is rise every time when the setbacks pulls you down.
72.Is disinvestment really that good for India or is a rethink in order?
Disinvestment is good up to a certain level because it generate huge funds & this fund could be deploy in social sector, subsidies & can reduce fiscal deficit as a revenue source & create good corporate governance but up to a certain level 49% as I think because above that level it direct economy towards private monopoly from state monopoly which is harmful for a country.
73.Are co-operatives relevant in today's globalised environment?
Hi Friends, According to me co-operatives are still relevant in today's global environment. India is a developing country. Their are two types of co-operatives exist in our country. First those who work for their their economic growth and second those who work only for their people welfare and child labor etc. NGO's come under second one. India more than 35% people are living under the poverty line they don't know their rights even. In this case the co-operatives who are working only for people welfare help them. Now the public and private sectors are working together for the company growth that is really essential for our country.
74.Foreign aid is a dangerous drug that can stimulate in small doses but become fatally addictive in larger doses.
Yes I agree with the point. Although foreign aid is a big help when a country is in need but any country should not be dependent on the aid only rather they should try to face the situation and seek for a good solution. If I talk about a recent disaster which was happened in kedarnath few months back, the government received huge amount from donations as well as foreign aids. Now what? did we try to sort out the real problem and find any solution for handling this kinda situation in future? I we were self dependent, advanced and prepared we wouldn't have needed any aid. Aid is temporary and doesn't give any solution.
75.Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector for corruption.
In my point of view corruption is may not only depends upon the government or private sector but depends upon the persons who are corrupting. In private sector the job is not permanent means not secured so that may people afraid to do corruption. Where as in public sector job is full secured so more chances to get corrupted. By using advanced technology we are advised to detect corruptors remove from their job in public sector.
76.Reforms have to grow up.
For a developing country like India, whose most of the population lives in rural sector, rate of reforms taking place there is very low. Most of the villages are still not well connected to the nearest urban civilization via ordinary road. Village peoples have common problem of electricity, network, private schooling for children etc. I think this the is the area where requirement of reformation is most crucial. We all aware of the fact that how agriculture plays highly important role towards GDP contribution. In contrast Metropolis are growing day by day. Stadiums, Parks and many other constructions are enhanced, which drain out lots of government's revenue (although these are important but not in the cost basic needs of village people). Currently reform is a must for each sector of our country and it's rate must be as high as possible. Elite group (members of upper house and senior politicians) has to realize this fact that for the integrity of the nation each people should have equal opportunity and conveniences. We can't much rely on politicians. Efforts are needed from all of us. Almost everybody from are somehow related to villages, we should to take steps for there reforms. At least the thing which we could do is, we can help villages students in there studies and made them enthusiastic for their and hence nation's growth.
77.Globalization vs. Nationalism
All our country progress and development is today because of globalization. Think before of medieval history if European countries have not came to India For the purpose of business then today India remained backward and in the list of poor countries. So globalisation must be their in today's competitive world. Nationalisation is good for country to increase it current account deficit and flow of rupee remain in our country only. It is beneficial for our country to balance rupee against dollar in nowadays.
78.Economic freedom not old fashioned theories of development will lead to growth and prosperity
Yes free economy brings prosperity. It provide healthy atmosphere for entrepreneur to grow. More focus should be given to development of Small and medium scale enterprise and Micro small and medium scale enterprise sector which contributes to the improvement of overall gross domestic product of our country thereby leading to economic stability. We should control the foreign direct investment and foreign institutional investment investment in our economy which maximize their profit and the we became the looser. Being an agrarian country reform in our agricultural sector is more important. We should provide our farmers high technology instruments seeds but we should also focus on the quality as well as quantity. It will boost our production. Huge employment will be generated and country will trade the path of growing and healthy economy with lesser inflation.
79.Should businessmen run the finance ministry?
Business is the only set up and established by the one individual with his ability by owning his ideas. Chose the alternative objectives based on his capital budget. Everything it will be based on him. According to finance ministry which is only think about one countries GDP, inflation and all it is mainly based on that. It is better businessman should not run the finance ministry.
80.Should important services like transport be left to market forces?
Hi Friends, I would like to share my views on this topic. According to me services like transport should not be left to market forces. In India more than 50% people are below to poverty line. They are completely dependent on public transport. Private sectors will think for their profit. They couldn't think for poor people. Common People and labor class people will face lots of difficulties to reach new area of development and thus growth will be affected. Private sectors can take lots of undue charges from people for affecting growth. So some policies should be made by government for increasing economy growth but not left the important services like transport to the market.
81.Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies?
Hi friends. I think MNC is better than INDIAN company because a MNC company employee live life without corruption every day. And Now a day Salary Package also matter. In MNC company haven't reservation so everyone have a equal stage specially for gen. And aMNC Companies have a lot of pressure but its all are depend on employee how he/she manage it because this pressure extend your mind limits and you also see your abilities and capacity. Government Jobs is a part of corruption and corruption is totally change human mindset. Thanks.
82.What we need to reduce scams is better regulatory bodies.
India is a democratic country where the government has elected by the people. If the political system is good then everything else will be fine, unfortunately some of politicians are doing scams for the fruit full money with high desire. As they try to grasp the opportunity in the activities/schemes which have to reach the common man, but it is not happening. Because of weekly tightened governance system.
83.Trade can help the poor?
Hi to everyone, I am also interested in presenting my views regarding this topic. Trade can really help poor in their development as trade is something that doesn't require any kind of knowledge, degree, talent, etc. It only develops by the experience, your great observation that are available to the poors. Poor people can use their experience and their day-to-day observations of market in order to involve themselves in trading. This can surely help the poor people in order to feed their families. Though they do not earn huge amount of money from this, but at least that much money is sufficient for the survival of their families and also for making them independent. It makes them self dependent so that they do not beg before others for atmost food for one time for them. HENCE, trade really makes life of poor people easier. THANK YOU.
84.Water resources should be nationalised
Water resources should be nationalized. Because agriculture is backbone of our country and also we can't survive without water. If it is nationalized there is no conflict between the states of our country. Through this we can improve agriculture, so, the productivity is more and we can get all goods more cheaper. And employment will be more. Our country will become economically strong.
85.Are Co-operatives Relevant in Today's Global Environment?
Hi Friends, I would like to suggest my views on this topic. According to me Co-operatives are definitely relevant in global environment. Co-operatives means group of people who make a team to run business. It can be of any kind like hand loom, fishery education. If government help us more in this system than definitely we will grow very high in this GDP.
86.Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
Hi friends. In my point of view Indian villages are weakness for our country because as per today senses one third of the people did not get their meals properly. Most of them highlight that Indian villages are "backbone" if we are the backbone means why should we import food material from other country. Really if we are backbone means we want to export the all food material to other country. Did you all agree this?
87.Space Missions are a Wastage of Resources for a Resource-Starved Nation like India
According to me, space missions are not a wastage of resources for a country like us. We cannot ignore the role that is played by the satellites in our day to day life. Because of these satellites, we can predict the occurrence of various tsunamis, cyclones, floods etc. That can cause a huge loss to human race. Only because of these satellites we can predict the disasters and can take evacuation steps earlier so that the loss can be avoided. Our involvement in launching the satellites also necessary for making INDIA a developed country. Hence, space missions are not wastage of resources if we use the resources in all the fields equally i.e.for eradication of poverty, unemployment, etc.
88.Satyam Scandal would Impact Foreign Investments in India
According to me, though satyam scandal has put a black mark on Indian status before other foreign countries, but we should also not forget about the other companies that are doing well in our country in providing services to the foreign countries. Bad work by one company cannot spoil the status of other countries that are doing well in our country. One cannot blame others even if only one person is bad. Hence, the point is satyam scandal doesn't effect the foreign investments as foreign companies also have trust on other service providing companies of India.
89.Private Participation in Infrastructure is Highly Desirable
According to me, as the need of becoming a developed country is increasing day by day, the pressure on government is also increasing in order to improve or strengthen the infrastructure that forms a basis for making our country developed. Government alone cannot meet this demand of strengthening the infrastructure of our country so in that case, private companies will play and are playing an important role strengthening the infrastructure of our country in order to make our country a developed one. AS, infrastructure play an important role in this. Hence, both government And private companies must contribute in making infrastructure strong.
90.Developing Countries need Trade, not Aid
According to me, we as a developing country needs trade instead of aid. By getting aid from other developed countries, we will become lazy in process of development and will not be able to become self-dependent. Though we can become self-dependent as we possess the talent in our country that is needed for this purpose. We should take help from other countries that's developed countries only at limited extent not always. Increasing our share in trade will definitely help us in improving our financial status, in increasing our national income and in order to make us a developed country from a developing one.
91.Poverty in Third World Countries is due to Prosperity in First World Countries
According to me this statement is not true. Prosperity of a nation depends upon its citizens, upon their seriousness towards the adoption of the rules implemented by the country's government and by the hard work of the citizens in which they contribute a lot towards the national income of the country. First world countries have become developed because of their citizens who possessed all these qualities but in third world countries, lack of these qualities is responsible for lack of prosperity in these countries.
92.Indian Economy: Old Wine in New Bottle!
Yeah you are right its time to dynamic and young peoples to comes into politics even educated people would might become our politicians and the person who have knowledge about agriculture they must deal deal with agriculture ministry the person who have knowledge about the specific they should be deal with that era with their whole interest and perform their duty with wholeheartedly.
93.Is Globalization Really Necessary?
Yes Globalization is very important for our economy. Because if our Indian Economy wants to grow more We need to deal with other countries as well. They provide us better technology which is very beneficial for our economy. And India is developing country so to make it developed country its really imp to deal with other countries in terms of export, imports etc.
94.What shall we do about our Ever-Increasing Population?
India is among the most populous nations of the world and according to the recent research India will become the most populated country leaving behind China by 2030. Dealing with the rising population of the country has become a major issue to deal with. According to me, the population of the country can be controlled by creating awareness among the people of the country especially those living in the backward areas. The benefits of having small families, sex education among the people, camps and meetings concerning the rising population issue, and many more. Also, according to me, the government should provide a kind of compensation for those couples who plan for a single child or who adopt orphan children. In Fact looking at the current growing population, government should make strict laws so that population can be controlled to an extent.
95.Banning of Trade Unions will be Beneficial in Growth of the Economy
According to me, trade union should not be banned. Now a days, industries are increasing in size in order to make country developed one. This enlargement also leading to employement to large no of workers. Hence, as the organisations are increasing so, there is need for an intermediate medium between the management and workers to convey the problems to management. As, management itself can take care of the implementation of policies and securities and comfort of workers. So, in that case, Trade unions play an important role in conveying the problems to the management so that workers do not face any problem and will do their best in order for the development of the organisation. But one thing is also to be noted that, it can work only if the trade unions do their work honestly.
96.Why can't India be a World-Class Player in Manufacturing Industry as it is in IT & BPO Sectors?
I totally in favor of the topic of discussion, but I will not going to blame government Or and body for sports for it. I my point of view our parents are responsible for it they doesn't that a boy or a girl can achieve more success as well as fame in the world by the field of sports. Yes there are lack of opportunity in field of sports for a general person but we have to grape those opportunity with both hand. If we believe we can achieve anything. I my point of view we all should play at least one sport for physical fitness and also support those who follows it. If you work hard in academic studies you can improve only your report card. But, If you work hard for sport you can improve our country report card in Olympics. Please do it for your country.
97.We Need Drinking Water and Not Coke & Pepsi in Rural India
In general when a person in thirsty, he used to have a glass of water. But now a days things made different by that situation he would like buy a soft drink. In olden days when a person visits to our home, we used to give a glass of water to that person. Nowadays it becomes passion while giving a glass of soft drinks like maza, cook, People do not think the problem behind that companies would prepare those drinks with harmful chemicals. While having those drinks their would be chance of stomach diseases. So the Govt Should restrict these companies and make awareness among the people about those soft drinks and educate them about the importance of our traditional homemade drinks like coconut water, lemon water, butter milk. Etc.
98.Rise of Regional Blocs Threatens Independent Nations like India
According to me, regional blocs surely leads to disintegration of the country, especially a big one like ours, INDIA. A new region will surely think only about for their people welfare not for the welfare of our whole nation. This selfishness of a particular region will surely lead to disintegration of our country. Hence, we should oppose this idea of regional blocs as it will cause more harm than benefit.
99.Should the public sector be privatized?
According to me, public sector should be privatized. Because we all know that salary of workers in public sectors are fixed. Company's turnover does not affect the salary of individual. They do not get under pressurized. So they don't give 100% efforts. But in private sector job is not secure. Workers have to give 100% efforts because of competition. Thus private sectors grows very well than public sectors.
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